Reasons to choose Laravel framework for web app development

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Are you looking for a framework to develop your web application? If so, choosing the right one is essential. There are many frameworks available on the internet, but not all of them are worth it. Laravel is one of those frameworks that exceeds expectations and provides everything needed to create a fantastic web app. In addition, the framework offers excellent features like routing, authentication/authorization, templating systems with Blade directives, built-in validation methods for models, RESTful controllers and more.

What is web app development?

Web application development is the process of designing, building and deploying an app that runs on a browser. This technology gives you more control over your business, lets it grow faster with increased productivity, responsiveness to change and lower operational costs.

Which are the benefits of web app development?

There are many benefits, but some of them include saving time & money in comparison to traditional software development methodologies like the Waterfall model or Agile models. Also, there is no need to buy licenses or any other hardware, which saves costs tremendously. Web apps can be deployed anywhere around the world at low costs per user/developer because everything happens online without requiring infrastructure investment. It has advantages, like the easy collaboration between team members due to its independence and open-source nature. Developers can easily track the progress of work, make changes and test it without affecting others.

Effortless data migration

Migrating data to a new app can become problematic if not done right. However, with Laravel, it is straightforward, and there are many options available like migrating the entire database or only selected tables etc.


Laravel has a fantastic routing feature that provides quick access to routes using “{user}/profile” syntax, which allows developers to create RESTful controllers and quickly redirect users into specific controller methods (actions). It also helps develop applications faster as you don’t need to write long URLs for each route. Allowing custom routers easily facilitates integration with legacy systems because changing URLs becomes easier without breaking links. Routes make your web application more SEO friendly as search engines love such optimized URLs.

Reliable Security

Laravel is a secure web app framework as it uses salted and hashed passwords by default. In addition, authentication using the “remember me” feature allows developers to remember users for the subsequent sessions. It also supports two-factor authentication, which makes your application more reliable with better security standards in place.

Why use Laravel Framework as a preferred web app developer?

Laravel is a preferred web app development framework because it has excellent features like routing, authentication/authorization and templating systems with Blade directives. Other benefits of Laravel include lower operational costs and easy collaboration between team members due to its independence and open-source nature. Additionally, there are many more benefits of using this framework for web development which you can discover by collaborating with a Laravel developer.

It has to be said that Laravel is one of those frameworks that exceeds expectations and provides everything needed to create a responsive web app. In addition, Laravel has fantastic community support and offers excellent features that make it a perfect choice for your web app development needs.