How Can Creating PWA Web Apps Benefit ECommerce Businesses

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The latest trend in the world of web app development is to create Progressive Web Applications (PWA). This type of application combines the best features of a mobile app and a website.
According to Statista, as of Q1 2018, there are over 2 billion smartphone users worldwide. That’s more than half the world’s population. In addition, statistics show that about 1 billion people use their smartphones for:

  • Online shopping
  • Booking flights
  • Sending emails and receiving calls and more

If you’re not yet sure how to take advantage of this opportunity, read on!

What are PWAs?

PWA stands for Progressive Web Applications. A PWA is a web application installed like an app on the user’s mobile device. It can display alerts and notifications at the top of their screen, added to home screens, so they’re available offline, and works with push messaging systems including Google Cloud Messaging (GCM) and Apple Push Notification Service (APNS).
PWA is a hot trend in web development, with more than 200% growth since 2016. It offers an engaging user experience for both customers and businesses:

  • It’s easy to install on any device.
  • It’s fast because it uses the latest browser technologies.
  • They’re reliable, working whether you have an internet connection or not.

Differences Between PWAs and Native Apps?

Traditional web app development was typically slow when initially loading and lacking in functionality. The PWA movement attempts to remedy this by combining the best aspects of native app development with the benefits of a robust browser-based experience, such as speedier load times and offline access.

The Difference

PWAs offer a native app-like experience, but one can access them through any browser on devices with web browsing functionality. PWAs are not constrained to the limitations of mobile operating systems and have more flexibility in terms of design, content delivery, and features.

Native apps are installed on the user’s device and downloaded from an app store before operating. They provide a more intimate experience, with faster load times than web-based applications due to their integration into the operating system and native features that allow them to better integrate with different types of hardware.

Technological Services

Firstly, PWAs are web apps and not websites. They use modern technology to load faster than their website counterparts. They are unique because they live on the user’s device, rather than relying solely on internet access for a functioning app or browser window.
Secondly, to startups and established companies alike, PWAs are the future of mobile app development. They provide a faster and more secure way to engage with your customers without them having to download an application. They also use push notifications for updates which is something that websites cannot do as quickly.
PWAs will be the next big thing in mobile app development, and for eCommerce businesses, it is a forward-thinking move that will benefit them hugely. With all of their benefits, from increased security to faster load times, PWAs are sure to help you gain more customers and grow your business exponentially.
Thirdly, to agencies, PWAs are a great way to create web apps for clients. They help you stay on top of the constantly changing face of technology and provide them with more features than websites can offer. But most importantly, it’s just good practice to be using what is newest and best in mobile development these days when creating an app or website.

How Can PWAs Benefit Your eCommerce Business?

Most businesses are realizing the benefits of implementing a PWA for their web-based app. PWAs provide a better user experience with outstanding performance, which will lead to retaining more customers and increased conversion rates.
Even though building a PWA is not an easy task, it should be worth your time because, in return, you can enjoy all the benefits of a PWA. The first benefit is that it saves 75% of the costs of a native app.
You don’t need to hire a developer that will take time and invest more money into creating your app. PWAs are also easy to maintain, where updates can be deployed quickly without much hassle.
The second benefit is that user experience is enhanced over time with Google Chrome on macOS Mojave, improving its support for PWAs. With Chrome’s latest operating system, users can now enjoy features that are only available to native apps, like the ability to open a PWA in full-screen mode and running it as if they were on an actual website.
Another benefit is that PWA can work offline and still provide a user experience that is not compromised. Customers will be able to perform specific tasks on a PWA regardless of their connection status.
Fourthly, it integrates into the mobile-first approach effortlessly. This means you can also use mobile-friendly web pages to power your PWA and get the benefits of both a website and app at the same time. PWA can also benefit your eCommerce business because it offers 2-3x loading rates compared to responsive or website stores, which are not up to par.
Finally, increased loading speed, increased conversion rates, and excellent user experience are among the many benefits you can enjoy with PWAs, which is why it’s important to implement one for your eCommerce business as soon as possible.
PWAs are the future not only for eCommerce but for any service or business. By executing it today, you will be setting yourself up as an industry leader and ahead of the game.

Why Choose Rocko?

PWA web apps are the future of app development. Powered by a mix of HTML, CSS, and Javascript, they provide users with an experience that is indistinguishable from what you would expect on native mobile or desktop platforms.
Their advantages? They’re fast, accessible in any browser without downloading anything, so there’s no need to worry about OS updates, and they can integrate with your existing website. That’s why many eCommerce businesses are already incorporating PWA web apps into their websites. You can reach out to this company for further guidance.
PWAs are the future of web apps. What’s important to know is that they will not replace regular websites and mobile app experiences; they offer a new way for developers and businesses alike. In addition, PWAs can improve customer experience with features like push notifications or chatbots, providing another channel for companies to interact with their audience.